OBREAL organized the main MyCOMM Final Dissemination Conference “Towards strong youth advocacy for Migrant and Refugee inclusion: Results of the MyComm project” in online format, open to all stakeholders and especially to Policy and Decision Makers involved in youth, migrant and refugee policy issues.

29th November 2024 – 11:00h. CET (10:00h. GMT / 12:00h. EET)

Online (the link to the event is sent after the registration)
The final event of the project was designed to maximise synergies between different policy sectors and raise awareness among the European policy community about the results of MYComm and the contribution of young people to the migration and refugee debate.
The conference consisted of:
- Dissemination of the MYComm videos and project results.
- Presentation of the MYComm policy statements.
- Round table discussion of the MYComm policy statements and current EU policies and programmes related to youth, inclusion and citizenship of migrants and refugees and strengthening the advocacy of youth organisations..
29th November 2024, at 11:00h. CET (10:00h. GMT / 12:00h. EET)