
OBREAL Global has a long experience in managing EU projects in conjunction with and beyond its university membership. This has primarily entailed EU educational projects under the LifeLong Learning Programme - EMA4 and EMA3 programmes – and currently the Erasmus+ programme and Horizon2020 - connecting higher education actors in Europe and Latin America and contributing to the further development of the Latin American Higher Education Space. For example, OBREAL/GLOBAL has been a partner in the EMA3 ‘VALUE’ project and the ‘Cooperation for the Collaboration on Doctoral Education project (CODOC) which was a cross-regional project involving Asia, Southern Africa and Latin America. OBREAL Global has been active in other cooperation fields in Latin America (Central America and Colombia), such as telecommunications, where it also receives EC funding.
As a major structural project, OBREAL Global has co-coordinated, together with the European University Association, the ALFA PUENTES (2011-14) project that has gathered together more than 16 University Associations from LA and 5 from Europe in the objective of consolidating regional harmonisation in Higher Education. This project has been a predecessor project to CAMINOS (Erasmus+ CBHE, 2016-19), which built upon the outputs of PUENTES. OBREAL/GLOBAL was also a partner on the project ‘HICA’, a structural project for Central America, funded by the Erasmus+ (CBHE, 2015-18) that aimed at supporting curricula reform and innovation.
In 2018, OBREAL Global supported the Association of Colombian Universities (ASCUN) to win and co-coordinate the MIMIR ANDINO project (E+ CBHE) to modernise university management of innovation and research in South American Countries predicated upon European good practice in the European Research Area. Currently, it also co-coordinates the VITAGLOBAL (E+ CBHE) project that will contribute to local development by enhancing study programmes in food science and, specifically, viniviticulture, which are of strategic economic importance in Europe, South America, South Africa and Georgia.
In addition, OBREAL Global is currently leading a service Contract (Harmonisation, Quality and Accreditation Initiative 2: EAC/19/2019) to support the development of a harmonised quality assurance and accreditation systems for higher education at institutional level, national, regional and Pan‐African continental level. Moreover, OBREAL Global is launching a series of activities together with its members in India (the Indian Institutes of Technology) to generate Strategic South-South-North cooperation by promoting policy dialogue and research cooperation between institutions in India, Africa and Latin America. In addition to offering in-house expertise on topics such as internationalisation of higher education and mobility, ICT and digitalisation of universities, research management, entrepreneurship and academic innovation, OBREAL Global has extensive experience in leading project quality assurance and monitoring as well as EU grant management and dissemination campaigns.

Young European Federalists (JEF)
- street actions, demonstrations and campaigns to raise awareness of European affairs;
- dialogue and collaboration with organisations, institutions and decision-makers;
- press releases on political matters and publishing online magazines where pro-European youth can voice their opinion;
- training courses and seminars about European affairs;

Cyprus Youth Clubs Organization (KOKEN)
more informationWho we are
Formally established in 2008, the Cyprus Youth Clubs Organization (Greek acronym: KOKEN) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) which successfully coordinates 75 youth clubs with more than 5000 members in both urban and rural areas of the Republic of Cyprus. KOKEN’s main aim is to improve the quality of life of young individuals (age range: 13-35 years) by developing their skills and competencies through their active participation in regional, national and international activities. These include events and actions on: sports, culture, non-formal education, European projects, health prevention, human rights, environment and volunteering. KOKEN embraces diversity and welcomes the uniqueness of each young individual by providing equal participation for all, especially for those with limited opportunities. Additionally, KOKEN has effectively contributed to the implementation of various national, European, and scientific projects.
What we do
Coordinating youth clubs in the Republic of Cyprus
Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation (KOKEN) is the oldest and biggest youth clubs’ coordinator in Cyprus. We are not profit-oriented, we have no political affiliations, we are non-governmental. We have one mission: to promote an active and responsible citizenship of young individuals. We have many aims: to support and promote volunteerism, develop life and professional skills in the young, be an actor of change in the youth sector, raise awareness and provoke thoughts on drug use, immigration and prejudice, health and well-being, organ donation, safe driving and solidarity. And: provide a safe platform for fun: festivals, concerts and sports events are a few of the activities we organize and deliver.

Disclaimer: “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union (EU) or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor or the EACEA can be held responsible for them”.