The Group for European Integration (GIE) has organized and implemented 3 dissemination workshops (multiplier events) in Pitesti, Romania.

The following information corresponds to the second of the three events carried out.


  • Pre-event publicity: announcement of the workshop via email, Facebook and word of mouth by GIE.
  • Duration of the event: 3 hours.
  • Participants: 40 (65% women & 35% men), from Pitești and Muntenia 
  • Target group: The participants in this event belong to local and regional organizations and institutions: NGOs (active in the field of socio-economic development, business, social services, education, health, art, architecture), formal education units (kindergartens, schools, high schools) working with children of immigrants and refugees and their parents, authorities (regional employment agency, gendarmerie inspection), regional bodies (county chamber of commerce), all of them related to some extent, socially and/or professionally, with young immigrants and refugees and, therefore, very interested in adopting best practices and communication strategies to support their inclusion in the Romanian society.


Description of the Event

  • The series of events in Romania shared the same agenda, developed around the presentation of the project (via PPT) and the sharing of MyComm results, with descriptions, explanations and exemplifications.

  • The main results presented were: the project website; the SWOT analysis and the report produced from it; the three training series delivered in Romania, Ireland and Belgium and the communication strategies developed; the three thematic handbooks; the Makeathon (activities and the three promotional videos); the three Policy Briefs.

  • During these activities the project website was used, focusing on the ‘Roadmap’ section, from where the results have been accessed and used for the presentations.

  • After each presentation, but also in the final part of the workshops, discussions were held for participants to express their views on the results of MyComm and how they will be used in their own organisations, and to share their own experiences and practices in relation to communication strategies with and for the inclusion of young migrants.

  • The evaluation of the workshops was carried out at the end of each workshop, through a form that participants filled in and returned to the GIE staff.

  • At the time of registration, all participants received a printed programme folder, 3 EIG-designed brochures and the evaluation form to be filled in at the end of the event.

  • The presenters were members of the IEG staff, members of the MyComm project.

  • The MyComm roll-up was displayed in the workshop room for the duration of the workshop.


Evaluation of the 3 Multiplier Events

The feedback received after each of the dissemination workshops was very good. The participants appreciated both the presentations made, the content, value and usefulness of the project outcomes, as well as the locations and times of the events. They felt that the dissemination events met their needs, achieving the intended purpose.

In the table below, it can be seen the centralization of the answers given by the participants in the feedback forms filled in at the end of each multiplier event.
Note: the percentages are calculated for the total number of participants who attended the 3 events (72 persons).


Conclusions of the 3 Multiplier Events

All participants have agreed that the topic of the project is so necessary and current, especially since the migration phenomenon towards Romania is increasing and that young immigrants and refugees need effective support to integration, while the Romanian society needs to fully understand the integration context and must be provided with concrete tools to support efficient migrants’ integration.

It is also important to know that the principles of efficient communication can be successfully included in the social media communication strategies of the organizations working with young immigrants and refugees, so that messages that are key for inclusion to be correctly transmitted, received and understood.

Combined with efficient inclusion practices, the communication strategies will lead to the expected results in the field of integration of young migrants and not only.

The participants believe that the theoretical and practical aspects presented in the MyComm project are important and relevant and should be largely spread and utilized by the civil society.

The discussions were vivid and involved participants in an engaging way. They emphasized on the utility and positive impact of the MyComm resources and outcomes, at the level of the organisations and the society as a whole.

The multiplier events of the MyComm project organized by the Group for European Integration in Romania demonstrate the interest of the representatives of the youth, youth organisations and the socio-economic environment towards better communication, cooperation and innovative solutions to consolidate the youth migrant and refugee inclusion at EU level.

Photos of the Event