OBREAL (OBREAL) has maintained direct contact with different youth associations that have been interested in MyCOMM, carrying out a micro-dissemination very focused on the target of organizations working with young migrants and refugees.

  • Pre-event publicity: n/a.
  • Duration of the event: 1 hour (on average).
  • Participants: 2-4 (depending on the format)
  • Target group: Representatives of organizations working with young migrants and refugees.


Description of the Event

  • Different meetings of an individual organisation (with 1 or up to 3 representatives) with the MyCOMM Coordinator..

  • The meetings discuss:
    – mutual knowledge between the two organisations (what they do, areas of interest, etc.).
    – what is the MyCOMM project?
    – main results of the project that can be used by the interested organisations (training for the employees of these organisations through MyCOMM products).
    – policy briefs of the project.
    – exploration of synergies and areas of future collaboration.