The Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology CARDET offers up to 5 positions for a 1 week internship at its facilities in Nicosia, Cyprus.


To shadow staff and learn about public policy and advocacy, as well as communications and audio-visual tecniques


  • Be a youth worker involved in the field of migration and/or working with asylum seekers/ migrants and refugees.
  • Demonstrate motivation and be actively involved 
  • Be a European Resident
  • Successful participants are required to submit a post-training report for documentation and evaluation.


Who we are

CARDET (Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus, with partners around the world. CARDET is one of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research and development. Our team strives to offer the highest quality services to benefit society. We collaborate with local and international organizations, public and private bodies, and across diverse disciplines in designing solutions for local and global challenges.



CARDET aspires to be one of the leading research institutes in the Euro-Mediterranean region in the areas of education, sustainable development, social justice and technology empowered solutions.



CARDET’s mission is to inspire next generation education, and to promote research, innovation, and development through evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and empowered people.



The world is faced with global challenges and societal problems which require collective and systemic efforts. Our work is based on the 3 SIGMA model: Systemic, Systematic, and Sustainable. The values that drive our efforts are:

Systemic and inclusive designs, taking into consideration the diverse range of all stakeholders and ideas.

Systematic, evidence-based and well executed strategies with the highest levels of commitment.

Sustainable designs for long-term impact.


Agile approach, constantly adapting, learning from the past, and designing the future.

Collaboration and synergy building for local and global partnerships.

Integrity and transparency in everything we do.




Telephone: +357 22 002100         FAX: +357 22 002115
Postal address: 29 Lykavitou Avenue (1st floor), Engomi, 2401, Nicosia, CYPRUS
E-mail: [email protected]