D3.4 Mobilities for Youth Organisations
Focus of Work Package 3
1-week Intership abroad for Youth Organisation leaders
The Deliverable has been led by JEF, GIE and TRH and it is the result of the Task 3.4, “Mobility: training opportunity for 20 youth organisations leaders”. This is an extension of the training program and provided the possibility of shadowing staff and learn about public policy and advocacy, as well as communications and audio-visua techniques, at one of the MyCOMM partner organisations.
This 1-week internship consisted of:
- An application and selection procedure.
- A proposal of learning outcomes and training programme expectations defined for each selected candidate.
- The own development of the activity by the participants in the hosting organizations.
- A set of final reports sibmitted by the candidates and the receiving organisations.
The 1-week internship generates an outcome report of the mobilities summarizing takeaways aboutaudiovisual techniques as well as public policy and advocacy to be implemented at the home institutions of the participants.
WP3 Training Series: Building communications capacities of youth migrant organisations.
The objective of this work package is to provide multi-national training opportunities for the leadership and staff of youth organisations working on migrant issues, so as to strengthen communications capacities and audio-visual, social networking and public advocacy.