The final project event was designed to maximize synergies between different policy sectors and create awareness amongst the policy community, about MyCOMM outputs and the contribution of youth to the migration and refugee debate.
The proposed agenda for the event was as follows:

The event was entirely virtual, with three well-defined blocks: 1) the presentation of the project and its results, 2) the presentation of the Policy Briefs, and 3) the round table with the stakeholders.
The first presentation was done by KOKEN, showing the video that tries to illustrate why MyCOMM, what it works for and with what objectives. Then, a member of The Rural Hub, pointed out the main outcomes and outputs of the project.
Following, a member of VYRE presented the Policy Briefs to the audience through the One-Pagers for each Policy Briefs (OP1, OP2 & OP3) that are the summaries of the full Policy Briefs (PB1, PB2 & PB3).

Those Policy Briefs have been the starting point of the round table discussion between policy makers (public administration) and entities working with young migrants and refugees took place:

At the round table each of the speakers had the opportunity to first present their organisation and provide some information about the work they do in the youth field, especially regarding:
- youth empowerment in the field of migrant and refugee integration
- capacity building in the youth sector. In this regard, they were invited to cite relevant initiatives.
To guide the discussion, after these presentations a discussion was established, pivoting around the following questions:
- Reflect on the current situation of youth organisations in Catalonia. Do they have a strong voice and role in the integration of migrants and refugees? In what way? Can you give examples?
- What do you think the MyCOMM project offers, in terms of lessons, models or examples, in the context in which you work (Catalonia, Sitges, etc)?
- The policy briefs cover a range of issues, but what stands out most is the role that youth organisations can play in intercultural dialogue, and their ability to use different forms of media. If the MyCOMM project were to carry out a specific policy brief on this topic, what do you think it should focus on, who should it target and what should be the main messages?
The questions that some of those attending the debate asked in the event’s chat were then taken up.
Both attendees and speakers at the debate were sent Policy Briefs which they are expected to refer to and even apply in the near future.